#1 Jet Black - Kinky
Our BELLAKURLS Clipin Hair Extensions will help you enhance the look of your natural hair, resulting in curly locks that are longer than ever before. Instantly transform your look with these clip-in curly hair extensions!
Material: Premium Quality Exquisite 100% Human Hair
Total Weight: 230 grams
Total Pieces: 9 (2 x 8” weft | 5 x 6” weft | 2 x 4”wefts)
Length: 18-26 inches
Color: Jet Black - Our blackest black, this cool-toned shade has blue undertones.
Texture: Kinky - Type 3C
The BELLAKURLS kinky texture has tight curls in a corkscrew shape, typically the size of a pencil or straw in circumference. It is a bit tighter than the curly texture and has great elasticity.

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